Impact of Viscosity and Radius of Cylindrical Plasma on Axial Disturbing Magnetic Field
The interaction of an axial disturbing magnetic field and a viscous cylindrical-plasma was mathematically modeled, theoretically calculated in semi-analytical method, by deriving the approximated formula from non-ideal magneto-hydrodynamic equations involving viscosity, and numerically simulated. The influence of the plasma's properties; including the radius, viscosity, wave-number and pressure, on the radial distribution of the axial disturbing magnetic field was investigated. The simulated results show that the viscosity has a major impact. For example, as the viscosity increased at a given pressure, the maximum axial disturbing magnetic field increased; at a large enough viscosity, the magnetic field displayed the rippled radial profile, being zero at r=0 and independent of viscosity, wave number and pressure of the plasma. Moreover, at a fixed viscosity, the highest axial disturbing magnetic field decreased with an increase of the plasma's pressure.