Experimental Study of Spray Characteristics in Low Pressure Environment
Graphical Abstract
The characteristics, of spraying of distilled water from atomizing and straight nozzles into a low pressure environment, were studied. The effect of the spraying conditions, including the environmental pressure, initial temperature and flow-rate of distilled water, on the spray cone angle of atomizing nozzle and transient properties of straight nozzle and on the intensity of flash evaporation was investigated. The results show that the spraying conditions had a major impact. To be specific, for an atomizing nozzle, the cone-angle increased with the increases of initial temperature, flow-rate and rotating speed of water and with a decrease of the pressure; for a straight nozzle, the breakage time of liquid column decreased with the increases of the initial temperature and flow-rate of water and with a decrease of the pressure. Moreover, the vacuum flash evaporation depends strongly on water temperature and environment pressure.