Vacuum Drying Characteristics and Kinetics of Carrot Slices
Graphical Abstract
The effect of the pressure and drying temperature on the drying characteristics of carrotslices was investigated.The results show that the drying-rate significantly depends on the pressure and drying temperature.For example, at a fixed pressure, the drying-rate increased with an increase of the temperature; and at a given temperature, the dryingrate increased with a decrease of the pressure.Fick's diffusion law well describes the moisture diffusion of carrot slices, and the effective moisture diffusion coefficient varied from 6.717 × 10-10 to 18.594 × 10-10 inthe temperature of interest.The activation energies of the carrot slices, 4 mm and 6 mm in thickness, were estimated with Arrhenius equation to be 31.46 and 33.06 k J/mol, respectively.Among the five thin-layer low temperature drying models available for data fitting in the non-linear regression method, Midilli and Kucuk model best fited the carrot slices drying.